Hello beautiful, thank you for visiting my site. If you're new here my name is Keely and I'm so happy you stopped by! 'Comparison is the thief of joy.' I'm starting with this quote because I believe there could not be a more relevant time in the world to keep it nearby, and it's one of my favorites. I have to remind myself of it regularly. I created this website to share my passions and one of them is to inspire you to go after whatever it is that you dream of doing.
Don't let fear or self-doubt stop you. Just go for it. Embrace who you are. I'm learning to love my curves and cellulite, the journey of being single and close to 30, my ever-changing career path as I seek what truly makes me fulfilled and happy. Maybe it is ever-changing for life because that is who I am- I like to try different things. Maybe you need a change and this is your sign. Take a break from social media if it's bringing you down, eliminate things that are deterring you from feeling loved and encouraged.
Here you will get a glimpse of my work as a makeup artist, makeup tutorials + my favorite products, my fashion + lifestyle tips, recipes I love and more. I want to encourage you to own who you are, as I'm on that same journey of self love. One more thing, every time you look in the mirror do me (+ YOU) a favor and tell yourself, "I'm BEAUTIFUL."